Could we love Ava any more? 11 months old today and the love keeps growing.
She started making a clicking noise with her tongue this week. I mimicked the sound and she replied with the same sound! I love how she looks at me and Dave. She lights up, smiles and pays close attention. It melts me every time!
1st Father’s Day
Sunday was the 1st family Father’s Day and it was an awesome family day. Ava was not feeling well and it started out a little rough but it quickly improved. We started the day with some presents and brunch and ended the day enjoying dinner at Centro with Papa Hoob and Nana. Dada loves Ava beyond words and she continues to get Cudder each and every day.
Ava’s Best Friend
Ava and Hoober are becoming closer and more loving towards each other every day. We could take 1000’s of pictures and hours of video featuring the two of them. Ava holds Hoober’s paws, pats him and loves every second. Every time Hoober walks towards her, she lights up and gets so excited. I can’t imagine how strong the bond will grow over the next decade.
Kisses for Dada
Daddy’s little girl giving him sweet kisses. It is Monday night and Ava should be fast asleep but woke up after 35 minutes as if it was a nap. We all made the most of it with some late night family time.
SLC May 2013
We had an awesome trip to Salt Lake City for Amy’s graduation and to spend some time with the family. Check out the awesome small gallery of some of the great pics with Baby Ava….
Ava’s the genius
Watching Ava evolve is amazing and it is so cool to see her mimic us and learn from us. It was awesome watching her take my laptop and use it as if she had done it many times before.
What a Past Few Weeks
Ava has had a busy few weeks! She started clapping her hands last week and we cannot get enough! Ava claps when she’s happy, eating, playing and when she sees her family.
I have been working on and off with the straw with Ava. Today, she took her first sip from a straw. She was thrilled when a refreshing, cold beverage came up her straw. She did not want the cup to be empty.
We love this little girl more each day. She just keeps getting cudder!