Daily PostJenn Goes For 100Posted on February 4, 2023by David We came and supported Jenn for her 100 Miler and the girls made signs and cheered her on while Christine gave her the legit support!
Daily PostUncle George Visit!Posted on January 20, 2023by David We had a really fun weekend with Uncle George filled with food, fun and even a Rockets game!
Daily PostHarlow HoopsPosted on January 14, 2023by David Harlow is enjoying basketball and we are enjoying the practices and games.
Daily PostHoliday Trip to Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore and DubaiPosted on January 9, 2023by David The trip was so epic I decided it needed its own video for the post
Daily PostSt. Louis ThanksgivingPosted on November 25, 2022by David We had a wonderful time in St. Louis of Thanksgiving besides Papa getting sick and not making it and Betsy and Dave taking a day trip to see him.
Daily Post100 Miler!Posted on November 21, 2022by David The family came out to supper Christine for her 100 Miler. Amy and Emily came in and we camped and had so much fun supporting Strony!
Daily PostRim To Rim To Rim WeekendPosted on October 10, 2022by David Great visit to the Grand Canyon to support Christine and crew running the Rim to Rim to Rim. The kids and I enjoyed filling the day with hiking, wild life and fudge!
Baked FriesHarlow Turns 8Posted on October 1, 2022by David Harlow’s 8th B-day celebration was a blast. We started with getting the girls hair blown out and then to the party at Main Event!
Daily PostSpoiled By Uncle GeorgePosted on September 20, 2022by David Special delivery for these spoiled girls!
Daily PostBusy WeekPosted on September 14, 2022by David Busy week of B-day celebration, Ice Skating, Roller Blading, Polish Festival and Cryo!