We started the day with brunch at 11 City Deli followed by heading over to the Museum Of Science And Industry and ended the day with dinner at Water Tower Place.
Ava Yabadabadoo
Ava does her Yabadabadoo… I could watch 100 times straight
Family Weekend Fun
Fun on the Lazy River at Keylime Cove for a family weekend.
Awesome Family Local Vacation
We took a local vacation to get out of the city and enjoy a indoor water park since this winter has been so brutal and is never-ending. We went to Keylime Cove in Gurnee for 2 nights and Ava had a blast. We enjoyed the water park and ran around the hotel plus we played lots of games and won lots of toys in the different crane games. Saturday afternoon we went to Jump America so Ava could jump on the trampolines. We had to break the rules since the jumping was for kids 3+ but we got away with it for about a half hour and Ava had a blast. Fun weekend and more great memories for the Jacobs Family….
Ava The Magnificent
Ava is proud of every new thing she learns. Watch her stand at attention each time she stands and balances the toy. Also notice her hands behind her back each time she does it.
Ava Loves Miss Jamie
Ava caught on camera at the Miss Jamie show at the Kookaburra Cafe. She loves dancing to all of Miss Jamie’s songs
Our Little Actress
Ava loves copying what we do from coughing to rubbing our noses. She started copying Christine yawning and now she is our little actress and does a good job fake yawning when asked.