Daily Post

Hot Pot Fun!

We love our Friday night dinners. We eat lots of Korean BBQ and Hot Pot plus every cuisine under the sun and lots of exploring Denver.

Daily Post

Jenn Goes For 100

We came and supported Jenn for her 100 Miler and the girls made signs and cheered her on while Christine gave her the legit support!

Daily Post

St. Louis Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful time in St. Louis of Thanksgiving besides Papa getting sick and not making it and Betsy and Dave taking a day trip to see him.

Daily Post

100 Miler!

The family came out to supper Christine for her 100 Miler. Amy and Emily came in and we camped and had so much fun supporting Strony!

Daily Post

Rim To Rim To Rim Weekend

Great visit to the Grand Canyon to support Christine and crew running the Rim to Rim to Rim. The kids and I enjoyed filling the day with hiking, wild life and fudge!