Ava gets so excited each and every day when Dada gets home and Christine recorded it so we can remember forever.
Future Veterinarian?
We are not sure if Ava will have a future as a Vet but we do that she loves dogs and especially her dog Hoober. The get along so well and Hoober is super gentle and very patient with her.
Ava Has Truly Blessed Our Lives
Ava is going to be 14 months old tomorrow and Christine and I continue to cherish each and every day with our little Angel. She continues to make us smile all day with her clapping and hamming it up. Ava loves being outside and she is never ready to come in from walks. Here are a few pictures from the last week.
Standing And Loving it
Ava is starting to stand with a purpose on her own and she is very proud. We love you angel.
St. Louis
Over the Labor Day weekend, we drove down to St. Louis. This was the first long rode trip for Ava. She was a natural traveller. Ava slept and played and did not cry or fuss once! Mama and dada took turns sitting in the back with her, which helped.
We spent time with Aunt Betsy, Uncle Tim, cousins Dola, Miranda, Evan, Erin, Amani and Jasmine.
Erin made an amazing cake for my birthday! It was amazing!
It was an extremely hot weekend, but we were all troopers and spent time outside.
Fishing, train rides, jumping on the trampoline and going for family walks were a few things we enjoyed.
We were able to enjoy grill Sunday! Ava loved Aunt Betsy’s chicken. We have made it twice since we’ve been home.
We are going to try and make this an annual family trip.
Who’s Walking?!
Our peanut is walking with a push cart! We cannot take enough video. I love it when she is walking and talking at the same time. She’ll be 13 months on Saturday!
Ava’s 1st Ravinia
Christine surprised Dada with a picnic packed and tickets to Ravinia on Sunday when he returned from a overnight business trip to Philly. Ava had a great time at Ravinia for her 1st time and we all enjoyed perfect weather while listing to a orchestra playing Tchaikovsky. It was a really nice evening with yummy wine and cheese and picnic food.
Lamb’s Farm and Bristol Renaissance Faire
Ava loves animals! Dogs, cows, horses, chickens and all other furry, feathered creatures. We went to Lamb’s Farm with auntie Amy and all had fun. Ava’s love for animals has come from both sides of her family. Ava and the adults enjoyed spending the day feeding and petting the stars of the farm. The day wasn’t over…
We then stepped back in time to the Bristol Renaissance Faire. Costumes, food, goods and more filled the Faire. Ava gobbled up corn on the cob and became a jester for a minute!
Ava’s Doljanchi
The day has come and gone. Ava’s first birthday party. Family and friends came to Mia Francesca’s on Bryn Mawr to celebrate with our little girl. Ava was overwhelmed at her party, as me and Dave predicted. All eyes on her, loud cheering and unable to crawl around is a recipe for a grumpy baby. Overall, Ava tried her best and that’s always good enough for us.
What did Ava choose for her future?
A tennis ball!! Look out athletic world for Ava M. Jacobs!
Our angel is one. Dave and I love her even more than yesterday!
Where’s Your Head Ava?
All the books that I have read about babies list all of the same milestones; rolling over, babbling, crawling, etc. Those developments are exciting, but I am finding out that what is not listed makes my heart pitter patter. For instances, when Ava kisses me and Dave, the excitement she has when she sees Hoober, looking at her face when she pushes the iRobot, the big smile when she sees bubbles, her body language at the water table, and the newest one is Ava showing us she understands that I am asking her to show me her head! Love this little angel!
Dada Using the Sling
It’s summertime right now and we go on many walks a day with Ava and Hoober. Both are equally excited to explore our neighborhood. Dave took Ava and Hoober this morning. He usually carries Ava and comes home with one tired arm. Our baby is getting so heavy! Today, he used the sling which meant both Dave and Ava had a nice, relaxing walk. Ava loves the sling!
Ava is 11 1/2 Months and Cudder!
Ava is almost a year old and momma is busy getting ready for her Doljabi. Ava is growing up so fast and getting cudder and cudder every single day. She loves taking a dozen walks outside with momma and looks and reaches for everything.