Daily Post

Memorial Day Parade!

Ava had a fun short visit to Northbrook to see the Memorial Day Parade. The morning was really nice but a little warm to spend too much time outside. Ava loves flags and there were plenty of them to look at and enjoy.
Memorial Day Parade

Daily Post

Millennium Park

We are starting off Memorial Day weekend downtown. We are breakfast near the Bean and walked around on this beautiful day. Ava loved splashing around in the water fixtures. Nap and then off to the Graces for a BBQ!


Family Trips

Miami May 2014

Fun Mother’s Day trip to Miami to reveal the sex of Harlow! We got to spend some quality time with Brother Rick and see lots of animals.

Daily Post

Nicest Guy

While in Miami, we had dinner with Rick. What a nice, wholesome and sweet man! He suggested we head to Gulf Stream Racetrack and Casino. It was a bulls eye for Ava. Kids and plenty of space to run around.


Daily Post

Ava’s First Roller Coaster

Who knew that Ava would like rides? She went on the carousel at Lion Country, but kept pointing to the flying animals ride.
Ava rode the “roller coaster” two times and kept signing for more. This opens up a whole new list of places to go!


Daily Post

Jungle Island

Birds were everywhere! We each fed the parrots and explored all types of animals.
Ava gave a few people a good laugh when she hit her chest and made an ape sound when we saw monkeys.




Daily Post

Miami for some Sun and Animals!

We packed up our bags and headed to Miami! The days were filled with sun, water, animals and Ava running around!
We went to Lion Country Safari and Jungle Island. Ava took the wheel as we drove through the open fields in Lion County. She enjoyed climbing all through the rental van equally as much as the animals.
After this trip, Dave and I realized how much energy this child can dispense!




Daily Post

The Perfect Little Flower Girl

Ava went above and beyond today. She was a perfect angel all day from the church to the late evening reception. We are so lucky to have her in our lives and we love her more and more each day.

Daily Post

Ava Was Amazing!

Ava couldn’t have been a more perfect child for Sherry and Nik’s wedding. She made us so proud! She walked down the aisle perfectly, played all day without a fuss and danced the night away. Ava was a riot. Today made us feel like proud parents.




Daily Post

Ava the Flower Girl

We went to Sherry and Nick’s rehearsal dinner tonight. Ava is a flower girl in the wedding. She walked with Jayden and Natalie and all three girls were just precious!


“I See My Shadow”

I remember making silly body shapes with my shadow. Ava enjoyed her shadow this past week.

Daily Post

It’s Officially Easter

The whole family celebrated Easter in the forest. We went to Swallow Cliffs in Palos and soaked up the sun. It’s in the 70’s today and we took advantage of the weather. We’ll be dying our eggs later today.


Daily Post

Hunting for Easter Eggs

We went looking for Easter eggs a second time this weekend. Dave, Ava and I went Mary Bartelme Park and found eggs and played a few carnival games. A beautiful sunny Saturday!


Daily Post

Big Girl

Dave and I blinked and Ava turned into a big girl! She thinks and acts like a toddler.
We gave her a regular cup (training cup) for a little practice. She did very well and loves to drink out of it.


Daily Post


I’m in love with Ava’a feet! They’re soft and oh so cute!
She loves to fall asleep with one leg up on me or Dave.


Daily Post

A Warm Front

We had sunshine and 60’s here today. This was a temporary relief from this long, cold winter. Ava and I spent the entire day outside. We went to Old Orchard’s playground and spent the rest of the day in the deck or in the courtyard. Summer is going to be amazing!

Daily Post

Shedd Aquarium

Sunday family fun day was held at the Shedd this past weekend. Dave and I enjoy seeing Ava run to the tanks and point at the sea creatures. She loved the creatures as much as the gift shop!It was just warm enough to snap a family photo by the lake.


Daily Post

All Jacobs Must Love Sushi

Anyone that knows Ava’s Dada knows that sushi is my favorite food in the world.  I could eat it every day forever without ever getting bored.  Nothing makes me more happy and proud than seeing my little doll face eat some sushi on her own.  Just a cucumber roll but it is a good start.

Ava Sushi