Daily Post

Salt Lake City Spring Fun

The weather here is perfect!  We have gone on a family hike every day.  Grandma and grandpa are amazing hikers

The girls and I spent a morning at the Hogle Zoo.  Animals, popcorn and carousel were a huge hit.  Harlow spent half of the time watching the animals and the other half sleeping.SLC 2015 2

Daily Post

Salt Lake City 2015

Ava and Harlow are naturals when it comes to hiking. H Rock was a blast.

Ava has loved spending time with all of the animals here.  Part of her morning job is to feed the chicken.SLC 2015

Daily Post

Sunday Baking Fun

Christine and Ava had fun baking some really healthy banana, oatmeal muffins that were really yummy. Notice that Ava’s ham face came out to celebrate.
Sunday Baking