Daily Post

Peggy Notebaert Museum/ 7 Months!

Happy 7 month birthday Ava!

We took Ava to the nature museum today. Her favorite thing at the museum? The Exit signs! Everywhere we go she finds the Exit signs and states and smiles at them. We wonder if her first word will be exit?!




Daily Post

Princess Ava

Our little angel is 6 1/2 months old and continues to become cuter and sweeter every day. Ava is eating some solid food every day for breakfast and dinner and trying lots of yummy new food prepared by Christine. As of Friday 2/9 our little girl is sleeping in her crib all night for the 1st time in her short existence.

Here is Ava on our new couch.


Daily Post

First Dip in the Pool

Ava took her first swim with Dada today. We noticed early on that Ava loved the water during bath time.
We figured that she would also love to swim (ok, be carried) in a pool.
We took Ava to East Bank and brought her into the pool. Dave carried her around for about 10 minutes and she had a ball!

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Daily Post

Happy New Year!

Se he bok mon e bod a sayo.
In Korean that means may you have many blessings this year!
It’s the Korean New Year’s Day today!
We have had many, many blessings these last few years. We hope that all of our loved ones have a prosperous and blessed 2013.


Daily Post

Busy Bee

Ava has been more active and interested in everything than she’s ever been! She loves to roll around on the ground, bounce in her jumper and bang things in her table. She grabs ANYTHING in buy CBD products hands or in her arm’s reach.
Dave and I love to see her explore the world she has only known for 6 months.
Her six month checkup went well. Her new stats are:
Height 26.5 inches
Head Circumference 16.75 inches
Weight 16.5 pounds
I attribute her gains to her refined palette! She knows what foods she prefers and which she needs to give another try.
